Agenda de l'environnement

photo ou logo de The 2010 Gordon Conference on Green Chemistry

The 2010 Gordon Conference on Green Chemistry

Publicité agenda de l'environnement
type d'évènement: Conférences
date: 25/07/2010
thème de l'évènement: Chimie
durée: 6 jours
tarif: Inconnu
description de l'évènement: The 2010 Gordon Conference on Green Chemistry est une conférence sur la chimie verte qui aura lieu à Davidson College, Etats-Unis, du 25 au 30 juillet 2010.

The 2010 Gordon Conference on Green Chemistry will present cutting-edge research on the study and development of innovative scientific means to address future sustainability associated with all aspects of the chemical enterprise.

The 2010 Gordon Conference on Green Chemistry will feature a wide range of topics, such as innovative synthetic methods, green separation and solvents, sustainable energy issues, green chemistry in consumer products, renewable feedstocks, green chemistry and nanotechnology, role of green chemistry in the global climate change, rising young stars, the next quantum leap in green chemistry.

The 2010 Gordon Conference on Green Chemistry will bring together a collection of investigators who are at the forefront of their field, and will provide opportunities for junior scientists and graduate students to present their work in poster format and exchange ideas with leaders in the field. Some poster presenters will be selected for short talks.

The collegial atmosphere of this Conference, with programmed discussion sessions as well as opportunities for informal gatherings in the afternoons and evenings, provides an avenue for scientists from different disciplines to brainstorm and promotes cross-disciplinary collaborations in the various research areas represented.
ville: Davidson
département: (0) Hors France
région: Hors France
pays: Etats-Unis

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